During arousal, men secrete colorless, transparent mucus called pre-ejaculate. It occurs along with an erection, but can also occur afterwards. If there is no lubrication in men during arousal, this is a symptom of a pathology related to the reproductive system. The release of this fluid prevents injury to the male genital organ during vaginal penetration.
In medicine, lubrication in men during arousal is called temporary. This substance is produced not only before sexual intercourse, but also during mild sexual excitement, during stroking and also during masturbation. The appearance of lubrication in men during arousal indicates the desire for intimate intimacy with the partner.

Probability of pregnancy
Since the presence of sperm in the lubricant is confirmed by laboratory tests and one sperm is sufficient for conception, unprotected sexual intercourse can result in pregnancy. What conditions increase the likelihood of conception:
- the health of both partners;
- satisfactory acid-base balance in the vagina;
- normal, without fusions etc. , lumen of the fallopian tubes;
- Ovarian function without loss;
- ovulation during sexual intercourse or shortly after;
- stable hormone levels;
- deep penetration of lubricant;
- preseminal mucus contains sperm with high viability;
- He and she are completely compatible.
The male sperm particles trapped in the lubricant are negligible and the sperm are not active and cannot fertilize the egg. However, when lubricant gets into the vagina from a healthy man who does not have bad habits, conception occurs in 3 cases out of 10. Once in the vagina, the sperm remains viable for about 2 hours.
If a couple is not thinking about procreation, they should consider a method of contraception. Interrupted and repeatedly interrupted sexual intercourse are not considered an effective method of contraception, since the ejaculate remaining in the urethral canal is not washed away with water or soap. Some men try to clear the urinary tract by urinating, but this measure is not 100% guaranteed.
Sex without penetration allows partners to get to know each other as deeply as possible. Young couples are increasingly wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant by squirting during sexual intercourse without penetration. Can you get pregnant from mucus coming out of an erect penis?
Many people consider such sexual contacts to be harmless, but it is still worth protecting yourself. It's natural for stroking, masturbation, and oral sex to lead to orgasm and the release of genetic material.
Artificial insemination is a process in which semen is inserted into the vagina. This procedure is less effective than full intercourse, and here's why:
- some of the sperm remains on the walls of the container or syringe used;
- the material used is exposed to light and air;
- When the functions of a partner are transferred not to a loved one, but to a donor, the woman becomes nervous and is in a state of nervous tension.
Through clothing, fabric
The average man's sperm contains more than 20 million representatives of genetic memory and a complete set of chromosomes. Each sperm is ready for fertilization as soon as the egg is released into the fallopian tube.
If a man has ejaculated and Cooper's fluid has not entered the vagina, it is impossible to get pregnant through a towel, clothing or fingers. However, you should not be careless, because even a drop of fresh sperm that lands on your underwear and gets into your genitals can lead to conception. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you need to change your underwear after each sexual intercourse, do not use the same napkin or towel, etc.
Composition of pre-cum
Pre-ejaculate is a mucous secretion that contains various enzymes and alkalis. Since the environment of the female vagina is acidic and repels male sperm, lubricant neutralizes the aggressiveness of this female microflora.
There is a myth that discharge from a man's genital organ can make a woman pregnant. The fact is that the lubricant does not contain sperm, but they may be present if intercourse took place without contraception, within a few hours of masturbation, or after previous intercourse.
To avoid unwanted pregnancy, experts recommend using condoms or other contraceptives.
How to get pregnant
When doctors consider the possibility of pregnancy through male preejaculate, they often pay attention to the physiological aspects of interrupted sexual intercourse. There are several ways you can still get pregnant using the lubricant.
There is a very real version that gynecologists consider to be the cause of conception. Couples who constantly interrupt sexual intercourse are at risk.
The essence of the interruption is to remove the male penis from the vagina before ejaculation. With a high level of control of this method, there is practically no chance of getting pregnant. If lubricant flows through the urethra during repeated sexual intercourse, there may be viable sperm inside. This can easily lead to conception of a child, especially if the man did not urinate after ejaculation and did not wash the external genitals thoroughly.
At the beginning of repeated sexual intercourse, the man's mucus first enters the vagina and transports a certain amount of sperm, which is sometimes sufficient for fertilization. Conception is best achieved by inexperienced men who seem to know their bodies well but lose control of themselves.
Despite the popular belief that one sperm is enough for pregnancy, many of them die when passing through the birth canal, releasing special enzymes. They are also involved in conception by dissolving the eggshell. Without these enzymes, the sperm that are supposed to fertilize them cannot penetrate inside.
In order for conception to occur during coitus interruptus, the fertility of the partners must be high.
Main functions
In men, lubricant is secreted when aroused; This is not only a clear lubricating fluid, but also a protective reaction of the mucous membrane. Such secretions facilitate the penetration of the male genital organ into the female vagina and friction when a representative of the fair sex secretes a small amount of such a substance.
Lubricant secretion in men during arousal has several very important functions which are as follows:
- Neutralization of the increased acidity of the vaginal microflora.
- Facilitates penetration into the penis and supports the movement of sperm along the cervix.
- Increased chance of conception.
- Removing the contents of the urinary canal.
In an acidic environment, sperm die quite quickly. Thanks to the alkaline pre-seed, they enter the reproductive tract undamaged and can fertilize the egg. For this reason, male lubricant has the ability to protect sperm viability.
In addition, thanks to this male discharge from the urethra, the likelihood of conception increases, since the semen enters the uterus much faster when sliding. Natural lubricant helps to avoid the use of artificial substitutes, and also facilitates the penetration of the penis into the vagina when a woman has a small amount of her own secretion.
Composition of male lubricant
During sexual intercourse, every man releases lubricant at the moment of strong excitement. In medical terminology, this substance is referred to as pre-ejaculate. The purpose of this secretion is mainly to neutralize the acidic environment so that sperm can survive as they travel through the urinary canal. The amount depends entirely on the man's lifestyle and health status. It has been proven that the maximum amount of such ejaculate is 6 ml and the minimum is 3 ml.
Lubricants help during sexual intercourse and promote conception
But not many people know what it is even intended for. And its purpose is very important. It is necessary for protection and strengthening, and without it the process of conception could not take place. This is primarily because this ejaculate contains elements that can destroy the acidic environment that forms in the urethra of the male genital organ during urination.
It also changes the microflora in the vaginal opening, since an acidic environment is also present in the female secretion and if it is not diluted with the help of the male secretion, conception may not occur at all.
In addition, it is the lubricant that serves to relieve a woman from unpleasant and painful sensations when a man inserts the penis into the vagina.
Therefore, many assumptions that this lubricant serves the fertilization process are completely unfounded given the presence of sperm in it.
What does normal look like?
This clarifies the question of whether a man secretes lubricants when aroused. But what does she look like? Externally, this liquid looks like simple transparent mucus. During sexual intercourse it is released in quantities of 1 to 5 ml. This volume is completely sufficient to make sexual contact pleasant for the partners. This seed contains smegma, a fatty substance that accumulates in the folds of the foreskin. If a man is faithful to only one sexual partner or uses a condom during sexual intercourse, there will be no color changes or additional inclusions in the composition of the fluid. Only a slight white cast is possible.
Is it possible to get pregnant?
Many girls are worried about the question of whether pregnancy can occur through the secretions of male representatives and how likely such an outcome is.
To answer the question asked, you need to understand the physiology of the man and the processes occurring in his body.
Although this problem has long worried all scientists, it is quite difficult to accurately determine the role of one or another male secretion in the process of female fertilization.
Types of discharge
Three types of discharge are possible in a sexually mature man:
- Sperm or ejaculate is a cloudy gray substance that is released during sexual intercourse when the peak of arousal is reached. When ejaculation occurs, a woman can become pregnant through contact with a man.
- Lubricant or Cooper's fluid is a clear, viscous substance secreted by glands. It is intended for specific purposes and is unlikely to be included in the conception process. Although some scientists argue that this is possible indirectly.
- Smegma has a specific smell and white color. This is a substance that consists of dead epithelial cells, products from the sebaceous glands and moisture from the foreskin. She cannot participate in the fertilization process in any way.
It is doubtful whether the lubricant has the ability to transport sperm to the egg. Its main functions are to facilitate the penetration of the penis into the vagina and to neutralize the acidic environment in the female genital organs to ensure the well-being of the sperm. Otherwise, the lubricant will not fulfill the function of fertilizing a woman.
Are sperm present?
To understand the essence of the process, you need to understand where male secretions come from. The ejaculate or seminal fluid matures in the testicles and the release of lubricant only occurs when the Cooper glands are strongly stimulated.
Scientists confidently claim that the glands that produce male lubricant are incapable of producing sperm. Therefore, the possibility of a woman becoming pregnant by a man who has not achieved orgasm is unlikely.
Still, a group of scientists claim that a small percentage of sperm is present in the lubricant. And this has been proven in laboratory studies.
And as you know, for a woman to carry, it is enough to have sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation and receive at least one viable sperm from the man.
Even if several sexual intercourses take place one after the other, the probability of the birth of a new life is high. In this case, viable sperm left over from previous intercourse can get into the lubricant secreted by the man. Once they arrive in the woman's body, they find their way to the egg and fertilize it.
The theory of the possibility of having a child through the lubrication of a partner is confirmed by numerous couples who practice interrupted sexual intercourse
According to research, it does not matter how many live gametes are present in the preseminal fluid, the main thing is that there is at least one
Official statistics
Statistics show that about one in five couples had children using PPA as a contraceptive.
On so-called dangerous days, you should not tempt fate and have sex or do it using barrier methods of contraception.
There are cases when a girl suffered even during her monthly bleeding. It is quite simple to explain that each ovary lives according to its own cycle, that is, when one of them menstruates, the other actively releases a mature egg and waits for fertilization.
Special factors that increase the chances
You need to understand that certain conditions contribute to faster penetration of sperm into male lubrication and fertilization of a woman's egg:
- Repeated sexual contact.
- Interrupted sexual intercourse in the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle. This is a direct path to conceiving a child. A woman ovulates, the egg has matured and been released and is awaiting fertilization. During this time, a single viable gamete is sufficient to reach the mature corpus luteum.
- PPA with repeated contact on the days of ovulation.
The most important requirement for conception is not the quantity of sperm in the semen, but their quality. They must be mobile and viable in order to travel through the woman's reproductive tract to the finished egg.
You should not tempt fate and endanger yourself and your partner by trying to avoid pregnancy through coitus interruptus on your own. This method does not provide reliable protection not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse. That is why it is better to use barrier contraceptives that provide a high percentage of protection for both partners.
When to see a doctor?
Many women still don't know whether men use lubricants when aroused. Some people just didn't pay attention. However, the fact is that this fluid is extremely important during sexual intercourse.
If a suspicious symptom occurs, a man should immediately seek medical attention. This makes it possible to detect the disease at an early stage of its development and thus achieve a quick recovery. That's why it's so important to pay attention to the composition and color of your pre-seeds. Other symptoms that help identify the diagnosis include:
- Increased body temperature, fever, heat.
- A feeling of pain or discomfort in the organs located in the pelvis.
- Redness of the skin, swelling and rash.
- Bloody purulent impurities in male discharge.
- Burning and itching in the urethra.
- Hyperemia in the penile area.
- Erectile dysfunction, urinary retention.
Similar pathological processes in the male body during excitement and at rest are observed during infection with sexually transmitted diseases. If several or even just one symptom is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is likely that the man needs urgent antibacterial therapy.
What do studies and statistics show?
Coitus interruptus is very popular, although it cannot be considered a reliable method of contraception.
Compared to the equally common condom contraceptive method, whose reliability is estimated at 95%, the PPA method offers a maximum of 75% protection.
This result can make some people very happy while others may be upset.
According to statistics, in every fifth couple who had an abortion, the girl became pregnant due to non-compliance with the rules (loss of control) or because male lubricant got into the female genital organs.
Of course, many nuances play an important role here. There are many such situations, such as:
- regularity of a woman's menstrual cycle;
- Adherence and adherence to the menstrual cycle calendar – avoid sex on dangerous days, ovulation days, etc.
There are many cases where a girl was able to get pregnant from a man's lubricant immediately after her period or within a few days right during menstruation (during bleeding).Many people think this is impossible. In fact, this is possible and can be explained quite simply.
While one ovary is busy producing an egg, menstruation occurs in the other. This means that each organ follows its own life cycle.
Therefore, if there is only a fraction of a percent chance that a man's lubricant during menstruation can get you pregnant, you should think about contraceptive methods.
After all, it's about pregnancy and receiving a new life.
No pre-ejaculate is released
If a man has a lot of lubrication when aroused, it can be said to be a characteristic of his body. However, in some cases, representatives of the stronger sex do not notice the release of fluid during sexual intercourse, since it is released only when the penis enters the vagina.
In 5% of cases, the lack of lubrication is a symptom of an inflammatory disease. In such a situation, it is best to consult a specialist about this issue. Also note that in older people, discharge from the urethra may be completely absent.
What is Pre-Cum?
This biological fluid is a secret - mucous secretions formed in special glands. These organs are represented by a complex structure that surrounds the entire urethra:
- The bulbourethral glands (Coopers) are located at the base of the male penis. They are small and are also connected to the perineal muscles via their shell. During sexual arousal, the tone of the pelvic muscle tissue increases, which is caused by improved blood flow to the pelvis during erection. And smooth forward movements during sexual intercourse (friction) contribute to the periodic "squeezing" of secretions through the gland ducts.
- The Littre glands – small structures located throughout the urethral wall – play a lesser role. Your job is to cover it evenly with mucous secretion. In size, they are significantly inferior to the bulbourethral vesicles, but in terms of the amount of lubricant released, their value is the same.
Pre-lubrication does not always occur, but only at the peak of sexual excitement and during intercourse. There are two main factors that play a role in his products - mechanical movements of the penis and nervous excitement of the partner. When intercourse begins, a small amount of it enters the woman's vagina as the lubricant accumulates in the man's urethra. What is the probability of getting pregnant in this case? It is minimal, since not even every sexual intercourse leads to pregnancy - it all depends on the condition of the sperm.
Features of pre-cum
The preseminal fluid lives up to its name - it prepares the male urethra for the release of semen. This is due to the dual function of this organ - it is used most often in the body for urine excretion. Usually it has an acidic reaction, which prevents the reproduction of various microbes in it.
The "acidic" walls of the urethra and urine residues in its lumen have a harmful effect on sperm, reducing their motility and damaging the structure. Therefore, the secretions have several positive properties that increase the activity of seminal fluid:
- Its slimy nature allows it to coat the walls of the urethra, thereby accelerating the movement of sperm through the urethra. Thanks to this effect, it slides faster during ejaculation and sticks to the walls much less.
- The alkaline nature of the discharge fully corresponds to the reaction of the man's seminal fluid. It reduces acidity in the urethra and also enters the vagina. There, too, a normal acid reaction occurs in women, creating favorable conditions for the survival of the sperm.
- The secretion contains a significant amount of immunoglobulins - special blood proteins that prevent inflammation. Thanks to their effect, the male semen is easily susceptible to bacteria. This feature no longer works if the partners have sexually transmitted diseases, as it is only used for prevention.
- The continuous secretion of pre-semen before sexual intercourse ensures complete cleansing of the male urethra from urine residues and microbes. In this case, the first drops may fall on clothing, which is often misunderstood by men and women.
Change in consistency and color
It was said above that it is the norm for men to release a lot of lubricant during arousal, but if there is too much of it, that should alarm you. However, changes in color and consistency are considered a reason to see a doctor. Normally the color of the seminal fluid is transparent, slightly whitish. Attention should also be paid to the density of these secretions. The semen should not be thick and should flow freely from the urinary canal during sexual arousal. Reasons to contact a specialist include:
- There is an unpleasant fishy smell that is reminiscent of mold.
- Impurities from pus and blood.
- Changes in the structure of seminal fluid, formation of a cheesy sediment, thickening.
- Color change.
Red, gray, orange, green and other shades are a sign of an infectious or inflammatory process in the body. This is how the male body reacts to any viral or bacterial invasion. In some cases, colored discharge is a sign of the natural rehabilitation process. For example, after prostate surgery, antibiotic therapy or other surgical procedures.
Transparent viscous discharge in some cases indicates infection with infectious diseases, for example, streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli. However, the appearance of bacteria is observed not only in the preseminal fluid, but also in other secretions of the male organ.
Doctors' opinion
The gray-green hue of the liquid indicates an infection in the male body. However, this symptom is not always a sign of sexually transmitted diseases; ARVI or influenza can manifest themselves in this way. At the same time, the man's body temperature rises.
White, thick discharge indicates the development of a fungal disease, usually with candidiasis. This disease is transmitted to a man from an infected sexual partner. If this pathogen is detected, treatment for both the woman and the man is necessary.
If the liquid is red, this indicates the development of a urological disease, for example, cystitis, urethritis, but it can also be a symptom of chronic prostatitis and a number of other ailments not related to the urinary system.