In older men, blood flow is disturbed, blood does not flow to the genitals, potency decreases sharply, how to increase it at home, we will consider in more detail. After all, it's pretty real. Physical activity, psycho-emotional mood and diet will help restore an erection and restore male power.
Complex treatment is required, proper nutrition, massage, gymnastics and exercises to control the process of erection and to train the coccyx and pubic muscles to improve potency at home. Answering the question of how to increase male potency, it should be said that folk herbs, homeopathic remedies and a contrast shower will help. But bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) should be abandoned.
Using home methods, it is quite possible to increase sexual desire. Certain medications (tranquilizers, antipsychotics) should be taken with caution.
The best medicines
Quickly strengthen potency at home, normalize the functions of the reproductive system can be homeopathic medicines.
On a note!It is not recommended to take medicines without a doctor's prescription. If overdosed, they can affect the heart muscle.
Therapeutic Nutrition
Normalizing the activity of erectile function means preventing congestion of the pelvic organs and systemic circulation. If you are thinking about how to increase male power through dieting, then such foods as:
- parsley, an antioxidant to restore hormone levels, boost immunity,
- Nuts, which men should take daily to normalize testosterone synthesis, saturate the male body with the necessary nutrients. It is good to eat in combination with honey to quickly increase potency at home,
- Seafood is said to have a positive effect on the reproductive system,
- Poultry meat, lean beef with high protein content to increase blood circulation, normalize potency,
- carrots, cod liver oil and chicken egg yolk to restore erectile function,
- Legumes, pork, potatoes with vitamin B content to improve cerebral circulation, normalize sleep,
- beets, fish to improve blood circulation, normalize brain function,
- Bananas, seafood, sunflower seeds to increase serotonin production, normalize nervous system activity,
- celery, parsley, citrus fruits to increase efficiency, improve the activity of the sexual sphere,
- Rose hips, currants, cabbage, herbs, peppers with vitamin C to normalize blood circulation, increase blood flow to the genitals, increase sexual desire,
- Eggs and dairy products, fish oil with vitamin D to increase potency, accelerate sperm maturation, regulate male hormones.
Restoring male strength and increasing potency requires the inclusion of minerals, selenium, zinc and magnesium in the diet. Potency decreases sharply from excessive alcohol consumption, which leads to disruption in the liver, which leads to detoxification of the body and reduces the synthesis of male sex hormones.
Smoking also leads to circulatory disorders, arteriosclerosis and impotence. Drugs - for innervation of the male penis, polyneuropathy.
Charge and train
For men of this age, thinking about how to increase potency at home, it is equally important to control their weight and timely get rid of unnecessary kilograms, which against the background of the development and progression of impotence and decreased erectiononly favor insomnia, a passive lifestyle. It is necessary to correctly combine rest and physical work, not allow a long stay sitting and do special exercises every day to ensure health and increase male power at home. Improvement will be noticeable within a few weeks of daily muscle pumping, which will contribute to increased blood flow to the penis.
Setting a goal on how to quickly increase potency, you should not neglect the following exercises:
- Stand up, lift your knee joint, press against your stomach. Make movements up to 15 times,
- Stand up, bend your knees and sit down, straining your buttocks. And so up to 20 times,
- Lie down, bend your knees, raise and lower your hip joint. And so up to 25 times,
- strain the pubococcygeus muscle for up to 2 minutes and train it that way.
- Rotate the hip joint up to 15 times.
Therefore, if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to increase potency at home, you can quickly train the pubococcygeus muscle, which will increase potency and increase blood flow. Exercise is an excellent prevention of prostatitis and other serious male diseases. Walking and running long distances helps circulate blood and improve erections.
Herbal treatment, recipes
When using folk remedies, you need to make sure that after them there are no allergic reactions and unpleasant symptoms. Here are good proven recipes if you are wondering how to improve potency in men at home using folk remedies:
- Sweet flag (50 g), make an alcohol tincture. Grate the root, add vodka (300 ml), insist and take 30 drops before meals. The duration of treatment is 3 months,
- Grind hops (cones dry) into powder, 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for 0. 5 hours and drink at any time of the day when unpleasant alarming symptoms appear.
- Hawthorn (150 g) pour water (1 l), boil for up to 7 minutes, insist (cover tightly with a lid). Intake in case of weak potency and inflammatory course in the prostate,
- Beet, grate, mix with carrots (2x1), add honey (1 tbsp), take just before a date with women or 2 tsp. 2 times a day,
- Garlic (5 cloves), chop, pour water (1 l), leave for about 7 days. So, 60 g daily up to 3 times, for a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, cleansing of blood vessels, prevention of thrombosis, normalization of hot flashes on the genitals,
- chop walnuts (1 tbsp. l), pour honey (100 ml), take the drug on an empty stomach for 2 tsp.
If you are still thinking about how you can quickly increase potency at home, then the following medicinal herbs will also help:
- Ginseng (tincture), take 15-20 drops before meals, up to 4 times a day, without sleep, to increase testosterone, improve male potency. Ginseng, an excellent stimulant of the reproductive system. Can quickly eliminate erectile dysfunction and normalize the activity of the endocrine system. Good to take in combination with cinnamon and honey,
- Nettle (you can buy a tincture at a pharmacy or insist on vodka yourself), 200 g per 450 ml, for 3 days. Take 1-2 tsp. up to 4 times per tap,
- Nettle + honey + red wine, combine, take 2-3 tbsp. l. Before the meal,
- thyme (dry herb), 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (1 cup), insist, drink 1/3 cup three times a day. Course of treatment, 6 months,
- Hops (cones) pour boiling water (1 cup), stand on fire for up to 5 minutes, cool and take 100 ml three times a day.
Black tea with the addition of ginger, saffron and cloves will help increase sexual desire and male potency at home.
What else helps?
Increasing potency at home, increasing systemic blood flow, blood supply to the pelvic organs to act on the desired receptors, all this can be achieved by:
- take alternating baths with alternately cold and hot water,
- Visits to the Russian bath to normalize the activity of the prostate. It is useful to first go to the steam room, and then douse yourself with cold water.
- be outside,
- be active in sports.
There are many ways to quickly increase potency at home.
What do doctors advise?
- Apply new sex positions to excite women.
- Massage the testicles with warm hands for no more than 2-3 minutes to improve the quality of sperm and increase the production of their quantity, ultimately restoring male ability. Such procedures for the rapid normalization of male power are best done before bedtime.
- Combine physical activity with relaxation.
- Visit the bathhouse and drizzle essential oil on the stones in the steam room for a quick potency boost at home.
- After the bath, drink herbal teas with honey.
- For relaxation, take contrast baths with the addition of bay leaves.
Carrying out such procedures in a complex will certainly bring a man the desired result, contribute to the development of an erection and maintain normal general well-being.
How soon will potency return to normal? Much depends on the woman nearby, who can support in difficult times and improve the mood.